Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it allowed to submit multiple papers?

Multiple papers are not allowed as a first author.
Multiple papers are allowed as other author.

2. When is the deadline for abstract and full paper submission?

The deadline is 31 December 2022 for abstract submission.
The deadline is 15 January 2023 for full paper submission.

3. When is the notification about abstract and full paper submissions?

The notification for abstract submission is within 3 days later than the date of abstract submission.
The notification for full paper submission is within 7 days later than the date of full paper submission.

4. If a paper gets rejected, will the revised draft of the paper be allowed?

No, re-submissions is not allowed.

5. Is there any specific formatting requirement?

Yes, please take a look at the "Submission guidelines" section.

6. Is there a word or page limit for the paper submission?

500 words for abstract submission.
6000 words for full paper submission.

7. Does an accepted paper need to be presented in the FLSF conference?

One of the authors has to attend and present their accepted paper in the FLSF conference.

8. What kind of review process do a submitted paper perform?

All submitted papers are evaluated based on a blind peer review process.

9. Will the FLSF conference be online or face to face?

FLSF conference will be face to face. Online presentation has not been planned.

10. Can a student submit an abstract paper or a full paper?

Yes, students can submit an abstract paper or a full paper.

11. Who will get an attendance confirmation?

All participant will get an attendance confirmation when coming to registration desk.